
Teddy broke his clavicle

After a great day at the Zoo today, tonight Teddy fell and broke his
left clavicle. Please, pray for his quick recovery ...

We had so much fun at the Indianapolis Zoo today

Thank you Paul and Sue for taking us!!!


With our friends: Allison and Brian

Thanks for the delicios pizza ... and the special desert!


Ying Kai sharing with is

... how in 10 years through their work they started more than 140 000
churches in China


Church Planting Conference

I (Bobby) am in Basel, Switzerland attending a conference for church
planting with Steve Smith and Ying Kai.


16th anniversary !!!

This is how our special day began ... with "room service" from our
incredible children. Thank you, guys - we wouldn't trade you for the
whole world. You are awesome!!!


ДЕН 40 :: DAY 40

Какво невероятно време имахме с Бог през последните 40 дена! От всички пости, този беше най-трудния за нас. Имахме много битки и предизвикателства, но сега очакваме големи победи и благословения. Благодарим на всички, които ни подкрепиха с пост и/или молитви! И въпреки, че този период завършва и навлизаме в нов сезон, ние продължаваме да вървим напред със словото, което Бог ни даде за тази година: "ВЯРВАЙ и ДЕЙСТВАЙ".

What an incredible time with God we had in the last 40 days! From all fasts, this was the hardest for us.We had many battles and challenges, but now we are expecting great victories and blessings. We thank all of you who supported us through fast and/or prayers! And even though this period is finishing and we are entering a new season, we are continuing to go forward with the word that God gave us for this year: "BELIEVE and ACT".